Keep or remove it from tire?

Keep or remove it from tire?

Jerry Waters

Well-known member
I found a bolt, with it's head nearly completely worn down in my front tire. Clearly this has been there for a while. So, clearly isn't coming out unless I remove. Or should I just leave it? ha ha ha

I'm going to remove it and fix tire this week, but for a second thought about keeping it there!
Remove it, sooner or later that will create problems. At least now you control the 'when' vs out in the middle of nowhere and you have limited time or resources.
If you ask my wife, she'd keep it there and not tell me about it. Me - get that sucker fixed ASAP. While that is in the tire, the strength of the tire is compromised and that now becomes a weak spot. Get it fixed won't bring the tire back to original, but its sure better than having that foreign object flopping around on the side of your tire potentially ready to make things a lot worse for you.