Camping at high altitude?

Camping at high altitude?

Steve Messer

Active member
At what point does high altitude start messing with you while camping? This weekend we were camping at nearly 9,000 feet altitude and we both had on and off headaches. Is this normal or will this go away the more we camp at this altitude?
Altitude has never bothered me u til now. Four Days into my seven day Colorado trip and I get altitude headaches if I exert myself. So far that’s been spotting my friends on the trails between 10k and 12k. I think we’re camping about 9500.
Sitting in a laundry mat about 7k right now and I feel pretty good. Tonight I’ll be back to 9k. Ugh. Glad I have plenty of aspirin.
I'm about the same, 9000ft or so will create shortness of breath and headaches if I'm doing any work