Are lithium and LiFePO4 the same?

Are lithium and LiFePO4 the same?

The Li in LiFePO4 means Lithium. lithium-ion is the other popular battery. It has more energy but is very temperamental.
In what we do, I edge towards LiFePO4.
If your looking at buying car/truck sized batteries, you'll notice a huge price LiFePO4. There's two diffrent designs. Prizmatic and normal cell type.

If you buy one that can start your vehicle, it should be a LiFePO4 Prizmatic. These run $600-$1200 and are loaded with features some including heaters (they don't like cold). If you go to Battle Born or Dakota and get their starting batteries the should be prizmatics (they don't say it on their site). If your just using them for power and not starting the vehicle, the little bit extra you get isnt really noticeable. Unfortunately, if you use your vehicle in extreme cold, none of them are happy and require some type of heating before charging. Now were back to the batteries with built in heating at 3X the cost.

I run the standard "cell type". I think my 100AH battery was $250? I just use it to power my trailer.