2" receiver storage deck?

2" receiver storage deck?


Well-known member
There is an aluminum storage rack that bolts into your 2" receiver and I can't seem to remember the name of it or find it. Does anyone happen to know what I'm trying to find and the name please?
My brother in law has one of these things: https://pakmule.com/

Be warned it's pricier than others, but it works very well. He has had that thing for last 4 years and it's an avid offroader.

I helped a friend buy one of these last year. The plus with this brand is the weight rating is over 800lbs vs everyone else is either 500lbs or 300lb. Plus Pakmule has wider options.
So are there any laws against having something like this in use as you can easily block your license plate?
Those Pakmules are pretty legit, I have a friend who has one of these and it’s extremely well made. It’s nice you can fit a bit of extra storage, so good for generator, campfire wood and other things that you don’t mind getting wet and you can lock down.