
How to Save Up for the Ultimate Trip Around the World

photo by cineuno via iStock

Coming up with a realistic monthly figure of the money you will need to travel the world is an important first step. Having the number in your mind is all good, but you somehow need to find a way to either be paid as you go or save up before the big trip. 

As this is one of the biggest barriers to many people, we have decided to create this article that will go over a few ways you can fund such a trip. 

Starting from the least likely to the most likely, all the common ways you can save up for the ultimate trip are listed down below. 

Being Rich or Winning the Lottery

Rhino and 4x4

photo by 1001slide via iStock

Now, this may not even have a place in this article because if you were rich or had won the lottery you probably wouldn’t be reading this…

Anyhow, both of these circumstances rely on pure luck, in the case of the lottery, and anything from luck to years of hard work to be wealthy. Either way, they put you in a situation in which your dream adventure is based on what could be a very slim chance of getting money. 

This is not how we should live or think; therefore, this method is rarely functional.

Save Up for the Ultimate Trip: Wait Until Retirement

4x4 on safari

photo by raisbeckfoto via iStock

This is a good idea if you are an older person, for young people I would say it is useless. Who knows what will happen until your retirement? The way things are going you may not even be able to drive a 4WD by then. Therefore, your attention should be turned towards finding a way to take that adventure now. 

For the older people out there, this may be a great solution – especially if you have a retirement plan that pays good money.

Sponsors for Your Trip

4x4s driving across the desert

photo by RobertoGennaro via iStock

Sponsors are another way that has slim to no chances of working. Let’s be honest, no company will bother paying for your whole trip unless you are a famous person, a very talented salesperson, or an extremely talented documentary or video producer.

To get a sponsor to pay for all this you will need to give something back to them and come up with a powerful pitch for your proposal. 

Save Up for the Ultimate Trip: Earn Money While on the Road

Sahara desert safari in a caravan

photo by PatrickPoendl via iStock

This may work or may not depending on your skills. If you can find a job that pays good money and can be done remotely because of your education or background, then you are in a great spot. For most people though, a remote job will not make sufficient money to pay for the whole trip. It can still be helpful, though, as it will slow down the rate that your savings deplete.

Save Money Beforehand

4x4 driving in the outback

photo by 1111IESPDJ via iStock

This is by far the most common way of learning to save up for the ultimate trip.

Find a job and work there for a bit until you have enough money to complete your trip. I know this may sound discouraging as saving up enough money may take years; however, you can speed up the process by having a remote job that will produce some income while on the road. 

The job you choose to work to save up doesn’t have to be a normal job though. It can even be YouTube. If you manage to get enough people onboard a YouTube channel before you leave for your adventure you can have a source of income that provides enough money for the trip. Furthermore, you will be doing a job you love. 

In my opinion, the best way to fund such a trip is to link your trip with a job. Documenting your adventure on video may be enough to get you some followers and through those people, that whole trip can be funded.

You will need to put in the work in terms of filming but nothing worthwhile comes without hard work. 

Whatever the case, find a way to make your dream a reality and save up for the ultimate trip  before it’s too late. 

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